The Swapper is an awardwinning, narrative driven puzzle game set in the furthest reaches of spaceA 2D indie puzzle platformer developed by Facepalm Games It explores the concept of identity; storesteampoweredcom steamでは日本語化されていないんですよ、この作品。GameSparkのこちらの記事で存在を知ったので、ライブラリに眠っていたこれを発掘してきました。大昔にhumble bundleで入手していたような気がします。 こんな名作を何の気なしに眠らせてしまうなんて、bundleというものは

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The swapper 考察-The Swapper is a game of exploration of a very personal nature All of the art in The Swapper is constructed using clay models and other everyday materials The Swapper is supported by Indie Fund and holder of numerous awards and accolades, including PAX 10, IndieCade and Indie Game Challenge It was released The swapper 考察 The swapper 考察The Swapper for Mac《交易者》如果有人比你更了解你的思想怎么办?是一款屡获殊荣的叙事驱动益智游戏,位于最远的太空中。发生在一个孤立的大

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The Swapper, Inc, Gadsden, AL 858 likes Local Business Xbox 360 PS Vita iOS The Swapper is one of these games An indie game, The Swapper was developed by a small group called Facepalm Games based out of Helsinki, Finland The game released on Windows, OSX and Linux on
First message Millions of lightyears away from Earth, my little shuttle lands on Cirus V I travel a planet full of rocks whose cliffs force The Swapper review A mind and soulbender By Kevin Knezevic 07 June 13 Comments; The Swapper 攻略 前編 LINE!
The Swapper is a puzzleplatform video game for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and LinuxIt was developed and published by Facepalm Games, a small independent company based in Helsinki, Finland Curve Studios later ported the game to PlayStation and Nintendo platforms in 14 A science fictionthemed title, the player controls a female scavenger stranded aboard anTyrion wants the swapperHome Reviews Previews Tech Features DarkCast DCI Videos Contact Reviews Previews Tech Features DarkCast DCI Videos Contact

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Occasionally a game comes along that has won so many awards that it would just be criminal to not give it a little look The Swapper has a medals listThe fuzzy line between mind and body The player controls an astronaut with a mysterious device called The Swapper which allows them to make clones and swap between them The Swapper is an atmospheric, 2D puzzleplatformer It uses handmade art to render an explorable space station in unique detail, while gameplay sees players swap between different bodies to

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The Swapper is a platformpuzzle game where you need to use an experimental device allowing you to create clones and also, swap your entire consciousness into the cloned body It's quite a dark story if you think about it You are capable of creating up to four clones at the same time and you createThe Swapper é um jogo do estilo puzzleplataforma disponível para o Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X e Linux Foi desenvolvido e publicado pela Facepalm Games, umOn this page you will find The Swapper system requirements for PC (Windows, Mac and Linux) We constantly update our data to provide you with latest and most accurate requirements Below are The Swapper requirements details for CPU, operating system, graphics and sound cards, required disk space and more for each of the supported platforms

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The Swapper is an atmospheric puzzle platformer set in the furthest reaches of space Players wield an experimental device able to clone the user and swap control between them Dropped into a character and world as mysterious as the workings of the device itself, The Swapper is a game of exploration of a very personal nature The Swapper opens as a lone astronaut is ejected into space inside an escape pod When the pod lands, you take control of the silent astronaut, and start to explore the doomed spaceship Theseus The remaining crew are hiding in a sealed chamber, so your path is isolated and your exploration uninterrupted until the scenery starts askingShop for the swapper at Best Buy Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or instore pickup

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The role's name is the Swapper (abbreviation Swpr) His role is to effectively switch two players roles and cause difficulty in catching an evil role in the town Here's how it works At night, the swapper will choose two players to switch roles These players must be of the same group (Town, Mafia, Coven, Neutral) Facepalm Games today announced that it has hired Tom Jubert whose credits include Penumbra, Driver San Francisco and FTL to lead narrative development on The SwapperPros Mindbending puzzles Atmospheric setting Thoughtprovoking story Cons Redoing a complex puzzle after

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